Food - water - cleanliness ! My dog hotel is much more than this. The following message makes it clear that you must love the task of managing a dog hotel in order to be able to do the job.
As soon as the animal owner entrusts his pet to me, I regard it as if it were my own. Therefore I may refer to the hotel guests as “my” dogs in the following article. Of course they are only MINE during their stay.
My four/legged friends
“Each time when he returns from you, he is so well-behaved! Oh - how do you bring this about for them being so quiet? What - our BELLO has been quiet at your house during the night. Wow - he stayed there together with eight other dogs? How does this work? How do you accomplish this?”

What can I say - I don’t do anything. This is the way I am. I know the language of the dogs and I move within the groups having a feeling of safety. I do not want to brag but the fact is: generally I am a well-balanced, fair and firm person with a sense of humor. In a funny way I was told that I would move around like a dog myself sometimes in private :)
Obedience is an important thing within a group. Therefore it is of utmost importance to gain the trust of the dog. Then when I give a command - I have the authority that it will be carried out. This only works with confidence! When animal owners whose dog is here for three days for the first time want to book training at the dog school, I will have to reject in most cases. I do not accept any orders that are impossible.
My reliable doorbells
What are the optimum conditions during the stay in an animal hotel: keeping the animal separately, in a small or in a large group? Personally I like “hustle and bustle in the group” - nevertheless it is very quiet here. The larger the group - the quieter it is here. There is nothing better for a dog than to be able to live together with other dogs in a large group.

Visitors are surprised how quiet it is in my hotel. Of course all pets will announce the arrival of a “stranger”. They certainly make a difference between totally strange people, strange and well-known dogs, “half-strange” people that come sometimes, acquaintances that they will see sometimes during the day - and the people that take care of them which they like the most. I am happy about this. In the course of time one knows the meaning of the barking sound.
Of course we also have mechanical doorbells but they really don’t make much sense. The greeting ceremony of my guests just lasts a few minutes and then it will be quiet again.
My special training
People who own several dogs usually are the better dog leaders. Not because they want to be - but because they have to be. Obedience and
social acceptance are highly important when training a dog.

It goes without saying that there must be consideration in regards to walkers, other dog owners and the many people who are afraid of dogs.
You will not see the owner of several dogs walking around with headphones while the dogs do as they please. They are just like employees in a group of toddlers at the crawling stage: watchful and always ready to stop any nonsense.
My dominant leadership in the group
“And who is the leader in the group?” A popular question from dog-owners. One of them should be the boss. My frank answer: most of the time I do not have the faintest idea. In principle it is first of all me - then come the other persons looking after the animals - then nobody for a long time - and after that I seldom know it.

Most of the time the largest dog acts most dominantly but when a small dog blocks the ramp, no other dog will go up this way. Who comes first, drinks first from the water bucket and the others will wait their turn.
The group does not always have a four-legged “dominator”. It is not necessary.
My thrilling story about dogs
“What, you have already been leading more than 6.000 dogs? How come that you own a hotel for animals?” Well, how does it happen? How do you become a mother? How will you become a lotto-millionaire? Quite often life cannot be planned. Some things just happen and the main thing is to be happy. And that is what I am. I am happy to take care of many dogs.

It all started with one dog. At that time I was doing sports with my dog and I won several cups. But this is of no more importance to me today. This is how the thought of building the hotel originated: we would have liked to go on vacation with our children and we were looking for someone to take care of our big well-behaved male dog during our absence.
Although there were relatives and acquaintances in our surroundings we could not find anybody to take care of our dog. I would never have
given our four-legged friend to a home for animals. I would rather have stayed at home.

A small advertisement was put in a daily newspaper. We were looking for someone to take care of our dog vice versa. We got many responses from people who had the same problem. Our home at that time was filled with more and more guests - we ourselves did not go on vacation anymore. So in 1996 the SCHNAUZERL association was founded and in 1998 todays SCHNAUZERL Hotel in Neumarkt am Wallersee was called into being.
Would I build a dog hotel once more? Without thinking twice I say: YES. I could not imagine my life without my many dogs anymore.
My working hours
I do not “work” much with the dogs: sometimes as good as not at all. It is true, dogs do make some mess and dirt. Therefore we do not have standard vacuum cleaners but instead vacuum machines and a large facility for vacuuming. In regards of cleanliness I am very strict and some employees have been driven to despair. The goal is: you should have the feeling to be able to “eat from the floor” - and this daily! So I spend most of my few working hours cleaning: washing blankets, washing dog bowls, cleaning floors, washing walls, cleaning windows, cleaning the outside area, then some office work and so on.

Principally I work half a day at the maximum in the mornings, the afternoons are reserved for leisure time. We play, take walks, rake the outside pens, take care of the fur, practice feeding by hand, run around on the large play areas, massage the tummy, learn how to follow commands, splash about in the pool, read books, relaxing, taking excursions and much more.
We do all this while drinking water and coffee or lemonade, we eat cookies, listen to music (preferable rock-n-roll and oldies) and we are having a good time.
My precious leisure time
Some of our friends say: “You never have some time off! You do not have a weekend or a holiday! I would not like this!” They feel sorry for us. But this is nonsense: I should be envied.

Dogs are charming creatures. Each little animal is unique, it has strong and weak features, a personality and character, in addition to the training received by its owner. Dogs help each other and learn from one another. It is interesting to watch them and lots of fun to play with them. They run wildly through the grass, roll about one on top of the other, tear on ropes, run fast around the area. No human being can replace this kind of entertainment.
My wonderful life
Why doesn’t anybody ask about the joy that many dogs will bring? Ask about the wonderful occurrences that have happened here? About puppies being born here and the many animals that put trust in me.

Exciting adventures that I was able to experience with my many dogs and the many great owners which I got to know.
And let’s not forget how cozy it is to snuggle with the pets together on the sofa and what a wonderful gift it is when the little pet will trust you completely.
Conclusion: without “MY” dogs I would not be complete!
Autor: Linda Ann Pieper